Even before getting recognized as a visually impaired entrepreneur from India who has achieved remarkable success despite facing numerous challenges. Even before establishing the Bollant Industries, a social enterprise that employed differently abled individuals. Srikanth did something commendable for his age.

For a young guy in his 20s, stepping foot out of the country to study, his own challenges have rarely shadowed his vision for the common good. As he was in Hyderabad during school, he realised a huge gap in the studies for visually impaired people. Many of the great literatures were missing and hence was the opportunity to learn more.

He was looking for an opportunity to just give something back to the city that took care of his studies. When he presented his proposal to the Legatum Grant Center at MIT, the counsel and guides were impressed. They sanctioned a Grant for the setting up of the first ever braille library at Hyderabad.

Today the Braille library in Hyderabad is one of Srikanth Bolla’s notable initiatives. It is a unique facility that provides visually impaired individuals with access to a wide range of books and educational materials in Braille format. The library aims to promote literacy and education among the blind and visually impaired community by offering a diverse collection of Braille books across various genres.

Srikanth Bolla’s efforts in establishing the Braille library and his other social initiatives have garnered recognition and admiration from people across the world. His work serves as an inspiration and demonstrates the potential of individuals to overcome obstacles and make a positive impact on society.

The library is like a child for him. He still takes care of the students that try to visit the library and mentors them if needed.

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