


When a man is constantly challenged by the world for the way he is since childhood, he develops a powerful voice that connects deep into his heart and mind, constantly revolting against the status-quo and inspiring a new revolution. All his life’s truths and observations build a strong voice for the ones who could not find the courage themselves and are waiting for someone to break the wheel.

Mr. Srikanth Bolla is a remarkable speaker, who became popular for voicing unpopular opinions about the uneven behaviour of humanity against physically challenged people. He believes that inclusivity is the only way to uplift the society. Despite being visually impaired he proudly owns every struggle he has been through and lets the audience believe in themselves through his bold visionary statements.

Another aspect of Srikanth’s speaking skills is his ability to communicate complex ideas in simple terms. He is an excellent communicator who can break down complicated concepts into easily understandable pieces. This makes him an effective communicator, especially when speaking to diverse audiences.

He has an experience of speaking in 30+ global stages and is a recognized Ted-x speaker.

One of the key reasons for Srikanth’s excellent speaking skills is his ability to tell compelling stories. He uses his personal experiences to illustrate his points, which makes his speeches relatable and engaging. Srikanth’s stories are not only inspiring but also thought-provoking, making his speeches memorable.

“It is not my speeches that connect me to the people, It’s my vision of how society can be a better place!”

“It is not my speeches that connect me to the people, It’s my vision of how society can be a better place!”

Invite Srikanth